Lacamas Counseling Blog
Camas, WA
How is My Mental Health Related to My Diet?
Let’s talk about the GUT-BRAIN connection… The...
Postpartum Self-Care
Becoming a parent can include a variety of...
8 Ways That Depression Affects the Mind and Body
Guest Author Ericka Martin, MA, LMHC – Star...
Can men get postpartum depression?
What comes to mind when you think of postpartum...
Signs of Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Awareness It’s hard to believe that...
Coping with Grief
What’s normal? How do I move on from here? When...
Last night, a little picture of my right rear...
More joy. More peace. More hope. More...
What is Biofeedback?
How Biofeedback can be helpful A few years ago,...
Escaping Our Shame
Escaping Our Shame Many of us carry shame. Shame...
Saying Goodbye
Saying Goodbye A world of goodbyes exist in...
Balancing Technology in our Lives
Oh the love/hate relationship with technology....